
Surcin and Obrenovac Flood Protection

Assignment location

Serbia, Europe

Client & Funding/Beneficiary

Austrian Development Agency /
JVP Beogradvode


Technical assistance within the “Serbia – Flood Rehabilitation Programme” to tender works and construction supervision for the rehabilitation of combined drainage and irrigation channel networks (total length 64.34 km):

  • Terrestrial and aerial surveying of the channels, drawings, technical specification and bill of quantities;
  • Development of tender documents for channel works and 5 water pumping station rehabilitation (total 16 pumps with Q=105 - 800l/s and H= 4 - 6 m)
  • Development of tender documents for construction supervision
  • Tendering support (clarifications; technical evaluation of bids)

Picture source: V. Gjoka

Picture source: V. Gjoka