
Enhancing Climate Resilience Through Increased Water for Production Capacities in Karamoja

Assignment location

Uganda, Africa

Client & Funding/Beneficiary

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit /
Ministry of Water and Environment

Support of the elaboration of a priority list for new valley tanks in the districts Amudat, Kaabong and Kotido with 31 sites in Karamoja. The goal of the consultancy was to give recommendations about the location and size of the proposed tanks based on a brief hydrological study taking into account:

  • The size of each catchment area and other relevant parameters (e.g. geology, soil, land use, slope, socio-economic parameters, etc.)
  • Available hydrometrical data for the region
  • Volume of run-off from the catchments for different hydrological scenarios, to assure that also in increasingly dry years the run-off will be sufficiently filling the tanks