Picture Source:AvigatorPhotographer
Fields of operation
Water Resource Management
HYDROPHIL supports the planning, developing, and integrated management of water resources:
- (Integrated) Water Resources Management policies and strategies (IWRM, WRM)
- Water resources assessment
- Water resources development and planning
- (Transboundary) River Basin Management (TRBM, RBM) and water catchment planning
- Monitoring and evaluation in WRM and RBM
- Decision Support Systems, Information Systems for WRM
Water Resources Management is the process of planning, developing, and managing water resources, both in water quantity and quality terms, and across all water uses. It includes the infrastructure, institutions, incentives, and information systems that support and guide the management of water resources. Water Resources Management seeks to optimise the benefits of water by ensuring there is enough water of adequate quality for drinking water, sanitation services, agriculture, energy production, water transport, recreation, and water-dependent ecosystems. Water Resources Management also includes the management of water-related risks and hazards, such as floods or droughts. The complexity of relationships between water and households, economies, and ecosystems, often requires integrated management approaches, to maximise economic and social welfare equitably without compromising ecosystems and the environment.

Thomas Waclavicek
E-mail: t.waclavicek@hydrophil.at
Phone: +43 1 996 98 00