Picture source: nemar74
Flood Protection Schemes for the Cities of Valjevo, Paracin & Svilajnac
Assignment location
Serbia, Europe
Client & Funding/Beneficiary
Austrian Development Agency /
JVP Srbijavode
Technical assistance within the “Serbia – Flood Rehabilitation Programme” to tender works and construction supervision for 100 year return period flood protection schemes in the cities of Valjevo, Paracin and Svilajnac:
- Review of available tender documentation upon quality, comprehensiveness (incl. statutory and legislative requirements, technical standards, environmental compliance, technical specifications, Bill of Quantities)
- Development of tender documents for flood protection works (bank protection, ground sills, lateral embankments, mobile equipment) with a total length of ca. 23 km
- Development of tender documents for construction supervision
- Tendering support (clarifications; technical evaluation of bids)
Picture source: M. Edthofer