
Slonim and Baranovichi Biogas Sub-Projects

Assignment location

Belarus, Europe

Client & Funding/Beneficiary

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development /
Baranovichi and Slonim Water Companies

Development of bankable investment programmes for extracting and using biogas from WWTP Slonim (Qd, ave=18,500 m³/d) and WWTP Baranovichi (Qd, ave=37,000 m³/d) and upgrade of water supply and wastewater treatment systems:

  • Baseline study on the company’s management practices and services
  • Financial and economic analyses/modelling of the biogas plant subprojects and water supply and wastewater treatment investments
  • Development of a long-term investment programme
  • Preparation of a detailed short-term Priority Investment Programme incl. sewer system rehabilitation, improvement of WWTP energy efficiency, anaerobic digestion for excess sludge treatment (1,800 kg/d resp. 4,800 kg/d), biogas utilisation with cogeneration units
  • Analysis of institutional and legal framework for investments
  • Environmental and Social Due Diligence

Picture source: V. Gjoka