April 26, 2021
Project Completed: Feasibility Study for a Sanitation Project in Ersaal in Lebanon for AFD
Assignment Location: Lebanon
Client and Origin of Funding: French Development Agency (AFD)
Beneficiary: Municipality of Ersaal
Partners: Hydroconseil (France), BTD (Lebanon)
Picture Source: A. Chanut, HYDROPHIL GmbH
HYDROPHIL has recently wrapped up an AFD financed “Feasibility Study for a Sanitation Project in Ersaal” in Lebanon, in cooperation with HYDROCONSEIL and BTD Lebanon.
The project’s objective was to structure the sanitation of Ersaal, a town situated 15 km to the Syrian border and hosting several refugee camps. HYDROPHIL provided its expertise in the sector with transversal support to experts on individual and collective sanitation aspects.
HYDROPHIL´s Sanitation Engineer, Agnès Chanut, traveled to Lebanon for a field mission with the project team, during which she worked on particular subjects such an option definition and cost-benefit analysis. Following the field mission, Agnès participated in the diagnosis, the definition of scenarios, the multi-criteria analysis grid, scenarios’ scoring, and report writing.
Upon her arrival from the field mission, Agnès voiced the following: “When I arrived on-site, I was stunned to see that the refugee camps were not as I had imagined. It was not the usual scenario of camps being pushed to the outside of the city. On the contrary, the refugee camps are completely integrated within the city of Ersaal, installed on more or less large plots of land inside the city, which had consequences on the type of sanitation solutions we proposed.”
Apart from this successfully completed project in Ersaal, HYDROPHIL’s work in Lebanon continues with an ongoing AFD financed “Technical Assistance and Support to the Reform of the Water and Sanitation Sector in Lebanon” project.