June 14, 2022
Project Start: Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Feasibility Study of AlSen Water Treatment Plant in Syria – Latakia Governorate
Assignment Location: Latakia, Syria
Client/Origin of Funding: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Beneficiary: Latakia Governorate
Picture Source: Danie Nel
We are thrilled to share the news that HYDROPHIL has been recently awarded and started working for on the ICRC “Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Feasibility Study of AlSen Water Treatment Plant in Syria – Latakia Governorate” project. The aim of the project is to provide a diagnostic of AlSen Water Treatment Plant and propose rehabilitation works, including the compartmentalization of works and their prioritization based on risk analysis by components and processes.
“Drinking water is one of the basic and most important needs for people. We are happy to contribute to improving the situation of the population of Latakia and Tartus with the support of ICRC in Syria”, says Jens Liebelt, the Project Manager from HYDROPHIL.
On the 19th of May, 2022 – the kick-off meeting was celebrated, and the team started the baseline assessment on site.
Picture Source: Danie Nel
The water supply system of Latakia & Tartus is one of the biggest drinking water systems in Syria. It is composed of several high-capacity pumping stations operating in sequence and parallel and currently ensures the delivery of safe and clean drinking water to more than 1.5 million people. The system is run directly by Water Resources Directorate (WRD) Lattakia under the authority of the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR). The system is composed of an Alsen water treatment plant (WTP), which pumps and treats water from the Alsen spring for Latakia city and part of its rural area and Tartus rural area. With over nine years of conflict in Syria, the need for repeated maintenance work in Alsen WTP is recognizably growing. Furthermore, the demands for water supply in Latakia & Tartus Cities and rural areas covered by Alsen WTP will increase in the coming years.
Look out for further updates on this project on our website!