May 25, 2021
Project Start: Regional Water Security Assessment and Preparation of Diagnostic Reports
Assignment Location: 28 countries in Europe and Central Asia with in-depth analysis in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Montenegro, Serbia and Croatia
Client and Origin of Funding: The World Bank

Picture Source: Harvepino
At HYDROPHIL, we are excited to contribute to the vision of a water-secure world through a new Regional Water Security Initiative. Since April 2021, HYDROPHIL has been part of a consortium (led by IIASA) to identify and benchmark critical current and future challenges around water security. The aim is to propose improvement activities at the country level. The World Bank-funded initiative focuses on 28 countries of the Europe and Central Asia region.
HYDROPHIL`s team will use and further develop a Water Security Diagnostic Framework to analyse how the water and sanitation-related Sustainable Development Goals can be reached. To ensure sustainability, efficiency in service provision and resilience are paramount since demand is growing and water resources are under increased stress due to climate change. HYDROPHIL will also contribute to developing methods to analyse the institutional framework and sector governance.
The assessment is based on existing data and will draw lessons from previous work before developing an improved methodological framework. Our approach is tailored to the countries’ circumstances and geared towards keeping government and regional stakeholders involved.
Look out for further updates to come on our website!