
Consultancy to the Ministry of Water and Environment

Assignment location

Uganda, Africa


Ministry of Water and Environment /
Joint Development Partners and Government of Uganda Partnership Fund

Support to implementation of a new institutional framework and development of capacities for effective and efficient implementation of water and sanitation infrastructure, in particular in small towns and rural growth centres. This included in particular support to the de-concentrated institutions of the Ministry of Water and Environment for:

  • Implementing infrastructure investments in small towns and rural growth centres through regional Water and Sanitation Development Facilities (WSDFs)
  • Ensuring sustainable operation and maintenance of piped water supply facilities in small towns and rural settings through regional Umbrella Organisations
  • The services were delivered by long-term technical advisors in two areas of support, namely WSDFs and operation and maintenance

Picture sources: S. Hofbauer, R. Seidelmann, H. Jung, G. Eder