
Feasibility Study for a Permanent Access Route to a High-Voltage Pylon of the 110kV Network, Austria

Assignment location

Austria, Spital am Semmering


Energie Netze Steiermark

During a storm in spring 2024, a 110kV pylon of Energie Netze Steiermark was damaged, and a temporary access route was created for its repair. HYDROPHIL examined the water law requirements for a permanent access route on behalf of the client. Since the affected pylon is located within the catchment area of a torrent, and the necessary distances from the watercourse had to be maintained, the access road was shifted 5 metres away from the stream.

The resulting cuts into the terrain were determined using a 3D model and examined through a 2D numerical calculation. The resulting flow velocities and water depths were incorporated into a hazard zone analysis. The requirements for a permanent access route were ultimately so stringent that the client decided against constructing a permanent road. Therefore, in agreement with the water authorities, the natural flow conditions will be restored by the end of 2024.

Model result of a 150-year event (torrent and avalanche control):

Picture source: HYDROPHIL / Klaus Jerlich